
Construction Claims  -  Contract Management  -  Dispute Resolution

Project Challenges Resolved

  • Claim preparation and negotiation
  • Independent opinion on validity and amount of claim (Third-party neutral)
  • Expert Witness
  • Evaluation for mediation, arbitration or litigation
  • Contract / Commercial risk assessment and management
  • Ongoing project management, monitoring and recovery
  • Defective construction analysis
  • Root cause analysis

Claim Preparation and Negotiation

Delay, acceleration, changes in the work, unforeseen circumstances and the ensuing loss of productivity and increased material and equipment costs. Additional payment, extension of time to complete, or viable defense of claims, requires a well-researched and persuasive presentation.

Independent Opinion on the Validity and Amount of the Claim (Third-Party Neutral)
Before negotiating settlement of a claim or commencing litigation, either party can benefit from an independent opinion on the entitlement to claim, the validity of the claim, and the amount of the claim.

Expert Witness
Expert opinion on project management, contract administration and management, scheduling, delay analysis, productivity loss and the commercial aspects of construction projects.

Evaluation for Mediation, Arbitration or Litigation
Contract documents, records and entitlement review; document organization and control; litigation case management; expert witness reports. Mr. McElhinney has achieved the Certificate of Arbitration and is a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Institute.

Contract / Commercial Risk Assessment and Management (How to prevent claims, protect from losses and enhance rewards)
From pre-tender review of contract documents and scope of work, to contractual analysis, project planning and scheduling, and final wrap-up of deficiency lists; many problems can be avoided and improvements can be made to the "bottom line."

Ongoing Project Management, Monitoring and Recovery

Investigate contract administration, scope of work, productivity, attitude of the parties and other issues. Recommend strategies for improvement and recovery and assist in the implementation of solutions.

Defective Construction Analysis
Determine extent of defect, how it was caused and suggest possible solutions.

Root Cause Analysis
Systematic root cause analysis provides the basis for determining the corrective actions that will prevent recurrence of an adverse event. The analysis also provides essential inquiry into the Human Performance contributors to the event.Type your paragraph here.